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Trends bei BPM Business Process Management

In unserem obigen Beitrag sind wir auf die Gartner Magic Quadrant Reports 2016 zu WCM Web Content Management und ECM Enterprise Content Management eingegangen. Natürlich gibt es auch zu anderen Branchen-Teilbereichen Untersuchungen - so z.B. zu BPM Business Process Management. Bei PROJECT CONSULT sind wir allerdings der Meinung, dass BPM Business Process Management eine wesentliche Komponente von ECM ist und bleibt. Ohne Prozessunterstützung geht bei ECM garnichts. Werfen wir einen Blick darauf, wie Forrester und Gartner diesen Markt sehen.

Gartner 2016

Magic Quadrant for Intelligent Business Process Management Suites

Der MQ von Rob Dunie, W. Roy Schulte, Marc Kerremans und Michele Cantara vom August 2016 bemüht erst einmal eine aufwändige Definition, was diesen BPMS-Markt ausmacht. Es geht gleich um Suiten und intelligent sollen sie auch noch sein.

Gartner: "Intelligent business process management suites provide real-time insights to achieve better business outcomes and help business transformation leaders, business process directors and solution architects improve business outcomes through process reinvention and transformation.
The intelligent business process management suite (iBPMS) market is the natural evolution of the earlier BPMS market, adding more capabilities for greater intelligence within business processes. Capabilities such as validation (process simulation, including "what if") and verification (logical compliance), optimization, and the ability to gain insight into process performance have been included in many BPMS offerings for several years. iBPMSs have added enhanced support for human collaboration such as integration with social media, mobile-enabled process tasks, streaming analytics and real-time decision management. For a more detailed description of business process management (BPM) platforms, see "Select the Right Type of BPM Platform to Achieve Your Application Development, Business Transformation or Digital Business Goals." For a more detailed description of technologies that help make processes more intelligent, see "Practical Ways to Make Business Operations More Intelligent."  An iBPMS orchestrates work to produce business outcomes that go far beyond typical process efficiency and performance measures. For Gartner's 2016 iBPMS Magic Quadrant, we evaluated platforms based on their ability to orchestrate increasingly complex work styles. 1 We see this ability to address a wider variety of styles as increasingly important, particularly in the context of digitalized processes (processes that coordinate the behaviors of people, processes and "things"/the Internet of Things [IoT]) — which require greater insight into context, are executed at an increasingly rapid pace, and span the virtual and physical worlds for both contextual insight and work execution. Greater contextual insight manifests itself at two levels:
(1) At the macro level, using on-demand analytics, such as critical path and workload volume analysis, to drive improvements in the process design, which is often useful in continuous process improvement and business transformation efforts
(2) At the micro level, using real-time analytics and decisioning (such as business rules and complex-event processing [CEP]) to drive improvements in the execution of a particular process instance, which is useful in ways that go beyond traditional business transformation to the execution of digitalized processes."

Die drei Platzhirsche mit größren Abständen untereinander sind wie so häufig Appian, IBM und Pegasystems. Bei PROJECT CONSULT mögen wir Bizagi, denn da gibt es eine freies Design-Werkzeug im Web für BPMN 2.0. Interessant auch, dass sich die Software AG von unten herankämpft. 

Magic Quadrant for BPM-Platform-Based Case Management 

In dem MQ von Rob Dunie and Janelle B. Hill vom Oktober 2016 geht es um eine "Abart" von Business Process Management: Case Management. In Deutschland würden wir sagen "Vorgangsbearbeitung" oder "Fall-bezogene Sachbearbeitung". In den USA meint man das Thema "Elektronische Akte und Vorgänge" halt neu zu klassifizieren. Letztlich ist die Erkenntnis, dass es sich auch bei Case Management um eine Art Workflow, äh, Business Process Management, handelt.

Gartner: "BPM-platform-based case management frameworks are configurable "apps" meant to help solution architects accelerate the delivery of unique and flexible case management solutions. 
Case management frameworks (CMFs) are commercial 1 software offerings designed to reduce the time and complexity of creating case-style process solutions by providing architectural patterns and at least some business domain capabilities "out of the box." Work is caselike when each work item — each case — requires unique handling, involving complex interactions between content, people, transactions and business or regulatory policies in order to deliver an optimal outcome. 2 Case-style processes do not progress in a serial or completely predictable fashion. 3 Rather, they often require multiple dependent workflows to be orchestrated, making them particularly complex to architect. Very often, caseworkers need the flexibility to decide the best next action for a case, rather than following a prescribed workflow.
The "case" metaphor for work handing is being embraced in many new industries and business domains. New "casework" is more decision-intensive, rather than content-centric. These shifting requirements have caused many buyers to look beyond past approaches — such as enterprise content management (ECM) systems' document workflow — and have triggered case handling as a growing use case for business process management (BPM) platforms. CMFs reflected in this evaluation represent a segment of the broader BPM platform market."

Das Feld beschreibt diejenigen Anbieter, die noch mit eigenen Produkten unterwegs sind (längst ist bei vielen anderen das Thema BPM in andere Standardsoftware integriert. Oben rechts wie meistens Appian, IBM und Pegasystems.

Critical Capabilities of BPM Platform-Based Case Management Frameworks

Ein weiterer Report vom November gibt dann noch Informationen zu "Performance" der wichtigsten Anbieter.

Forrester 2015/2016

Bei Forrester müssen wir zum Vergleich aktuell noch auf die entsprechenden Reports aus dem Jahr 2015 bzw. Februar 2016 zurückgreifen. Forrster hat einen anderen Veröffentlichungsrythmus als Gartner - und natürlich auch andere Kriterien.

The Forrester Wave™: BPM Platforms For Digital Business, Q4 2015

Die Forrester Wave zu BPM wurde vor ziemlich genau einem Jahr im Niovember 2015 von Clay Richardsen verfaßt. Wesentlich wird die Reduktion der Komplexität herausgestellt. Schwerpunkt ist die Integration in oder die Erstellung von Geschäftsanwendungen  mit BPM-Werkzeugen.

Forrester: "Appian, IBM, And Pegasystems Lead The Pack. Forrester’s research uncovered a market in which Pegasystems, Appian, and IBM continue to lead the pack. Software AG, Oracle, Newgen Software, OpenText, Bizagi, K2, and DST Systems offer competitive options. Red Hat and TIBCO Software lag behind.
The BPM Platforms Market Is Growing As EA Pros Accelerate Digital Transformation. The BPM platforms market is growing because more EA professionals see BPM as a way to address emerging challenges for customer experience and digital business. This market growth is, in large part, because EA pros increasingly trust BPM platform providers to act as strategic partners, helping them transform how they use technology to win, serve, and retain customers in the digital age.
Differentiators Include Rapid Development, UX Design, And Case Management. As legacy BPM technology becomes outdated and less effective, improved delivery speed and process flexibility will dictate which providers will lead the pack. Vendors that can provide fast ramp-up, flexible mobile experiences, and dynamic case management position themselves successfully to deliver speed and business agility to their customers.

Auch hier die üblichen drei "Verdächtigen" Appian, IBM und Pegasystems vorn.

The Forrester Wave™: Dynamic Case Management, Q1 2016

Und natürlich gibt es analog zu Gartner auch bei Forrester eine Wave zum Case Management. Diese stammt von Craig Le Clair aus dem Februar 2016. 

Forrester: "Pegasystems, Appian, And IBM Lead The Pack. Forrester’s research uncovered a market in which Pegasystems, Appian, and IBM lead the pack. Lexmark Enterprise Software, TIBCO Software, OnBase by Hyland, Isis Papyrus, Newgen, Software, OpenText, Eccentex, and DST Systems offer competitive options. Bpm’online, MicroPact, and Column Technologies lag behind. 
EA Pros Are Looking For Case Platforms To Support Knowledge Workers. The nature of work is transitioning from a production- and task-driven orientation to a knowledge- and context-driven one. The DCM market will continue to grow as more EA professionals see DCM as a way to address their top challenges. 
Analytics, Information-Led Design, And Runtime Evolution Are Key Differentiators. As workflow and business process management (BPM) become outdated and increasingly ineffective for less-structured work patterns, providers that offer improved analytics and information modeling will emerge as leaders."

"Langweilig" - schon wieder die Gleichen. Oder liegen alle Analysten mit Ihrer Einschätzung richtig?





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